Cats have been a longtime human companion. They’ve been the subject of poems, movies, and even Broadway musicals. It’s clear why this is; cats believe they are the boss. By reading this article you can learn a few things that can help you to care for your cat.
Remove the drape cords from visibility when a cat is in the house. Never let your cats play with drape cords, as they could seriously injure themselves. This could lead to a severe injury or even death. Pin and hide drape cords to avoid this.
Cat Groomed
Keep your cat groomed. Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular basis. If yu do this quite often, it will help them stay clean. In addition, it helps decrease shedding, which results in less hairballs. Keeping a cat groomed properly can help them and your home look great.
Though things may appear to be fine, you should always schedule regular medical checkups for your feline pet. Your vet can give you an idea of your cat’s overall health, in addition to administering any shots it may need. Try keeping the same vet throughout your cat’s life. This ensures that your vet will have an excellent understanding of your pet’s medical history.
Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If this does not work, make sure you cover the cords. If you have any loose cords around your home, try stuffing them into a used paper towel roll. Store electronics when they are not in use rather than leaving them plugged in.
Never let your cat experience frequent boredom. Cats need stimulation. Unfortunately, many owners do not realize this important part of ownership. Bored cats can really be a problem. They can have health issues, OCD, and even depression. Spend time playing with them, and go through a variety of toys to find ones they like and will play with while you’re busy, too. Provide them with an indoor climbing area or scratching post.
Most cats prefer to be mostly nocturnal. This means their behavior is quite active during the night. If your kittens are keeping you awake into the middle of the night, close the door to your bedroom. This will keep them from pouncing on you and trying to play in the middle of the night.
Cats love to be clean. If your cat has hair that’s long it could get hairballs. There are special foods you can buy to try to help with this particular problem. Some cat foods are specially formulated to help reduce hairballs, which is good for both you and your pet.
Try to figure out why your cat meows. Once you become familiar with your cat and its needs, it will become easier to determine what he needs when he meows. The meows may indicate hunger, happiness, or a desire to go exploring. By giving her the proper amount of attention you can better attend to her needs.
Are you a cat and dog owner? Dogs take every opportunity they can get to eat the cat’s food. If you’re having a problem with this, make your cat’s eating area high enough that your dog cannot reach. That also means they don’t fight about water after eating the food.
Your cat should be acclimated to a carrier as a kitten. Understand that cats don’t react to punishment as well as dogs. Cats are better trained by using patient encouragement. Inside the carrier, put a favorite toy and blanket. Leave it open in an area the cat will see. Cats are natural explorers and sooner or later he will check it out. This will make it easier to mobilize your cat.
Feed your cat a few different varieties of food. This can help him not get too finicky. If your cat only eats one brand of cat food from the beginning, he will probably not like any other brand.
Canned food is an excellent choice for cats. Dry food is usually cheaper, but canned food boasts a number of benefits. It has water content, which is good for cats with bladder issues. For aging cats, it is also easier to chew. Be sure to ask your vet about your pet’s food; however, canned food is usually the best for your cat.
If you want to buy a second cat, prepare for some time where the cats will be familiarizing themselves with each other. They might hide from each other or hit each other. Your cats will grow used to the presence of the other animal and will eventually get along.
Do you feel like everywhere you turn you are surrounded by your cats hair? When a cat sheds a lot, brushing is very important. The more hair you see on the ground, the more you should pull out the brush. Doing this will also make sure they don’t get a matted or tangled coat.
Litter Box
Think about where you want to put the litter box. Although you may want to have the litter box hidden in a place where you won’t smell it, your cat’s needs should be before your wants. However, if you hide it from your pet he might not try very hard to find it when he needs to go to the bathroom. Cats are quite finicky, so it is important to make their bathroom environment appealing them them or risk messes throughout the house. The area around the litter box should be comfortable and warm to walk on, so make adjustments as needed.
Your cat may think it rules your household, and may even think it rules the universe. Bu, if you make the most of these tips, you should be able to get your cat to understand who really owns the house. People enjoy cats because they’re great as pets, and you can use the above advice to make sure you’re giving your pet a great life.