Feral cats are ones that don’t have a home and live on the streets. By learning how to properly care for a cat, you can ensure that they remain healthy. Use the information from this article to help guide you along your pet care journey.
To safely help an old cat feel comfortable, place a heated tile under its bed. You can heat a terracotta tile in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Wrap this in a towel that’s old and then place it under the bed the cat sleeps on. You can even switch it out every few hours.
Deter your cat from chewing on inappropriate things by using bitter apple. If your cat likes to chew cords, hide the cords as best you can. Loose cords can be bundled and tucked inside old paper towel rolls. The cords on electronics should be hidden as well.
Keeping your cats away from the counters can be hard. If your cat is high, he can see everything that is going on. Making a place high-up for your cat can solve this issue. If you don’t want your cats to jump on your counters, you can put a cat condo in or around the kitchen.
Litter Box
The cat’s litter box should be placed in the right spot. Don’t put it in a busy area, and keep it away from your cat’s food. To help control odors place the litter box in a well ventilated area. Not only will your cat appreciate it but you will too.
Do you have a cat and a dog? Dogs will eat cat food right up. Thus, you must keep cat food out of the dog’s reach. This will prevent the two from fighting over the water when the food dishes are empty.
If your cat uses the bathroom more than normal, or if they suddenly stop using the litter box, think about taking them to the veterinarian. This behavior may be indicative of an infection of the urinary tract or some other issue. Some inexpensive antibiotics can clear up a potentially dangerous illness.
Your cat needs good play time. Really play is something that all mammals share, no matter the age. Even a mature cat that isn’t as spry anymore it still loves to play around. Make sure you play with your cat at least once a day.
By getting your cat the shots and check-ups that it needs, you’ll be able to make sure that your cat lives as long as possible. Kittens, like children, need to have their vaccinations and wellness appointments regularly to prevent diseases and other health issues from becoming a problem later in life. Your cat is wonderful addition to the family, and must be cared for in the same way that you would treat all members of your household.
Take note if the cat ceases using its litter box. Lots of cat conditions will make it difficult for a cat to defecate or urinate in their litter box. Issues like a kidney infection are often behind such behaviors. Call the vet if your cat refuses to use the litter box.
If you have a female cat that is in the process of giving birth, make sure you provide her a spacious area. The birth will take place over the span of several hours. If it has been more than six hours and you believe more kittens are still inside your cat, you need to get her to the vet right away.
Try moving your litter box somewhere else if the cat won’t use it. Cats feel vulnerable when relieving themselves, so make sure the litter box is in a secluded spot. A basement or laundry area might be a good option.
Put a collar your cat with your contact information on it. You may have an indoor pet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever get out. When your cat gets outside unexpectedly, it’s your responsibility to enable others to help your cat find their way home again.
Don’t give your cat medicine intended for humans. If you cat suffers from health issues, ask your vet for his recommended treatment option. When you make the mistake of giving any type of human medication to your cat, it can kill them or cause them some other type of grave medical misfortune.
Any difference in the environment of your home is easily detected by the keen sense of smell that your cat possesses. This may cause a problem if you give them a new bed, scratching post or food dish. Be prepared for your cat to be wary of the new item initially. As your cat starts to smell new things in the home, it will get into them sooner or later.
You want to be watchful regarding panting. Panting is a normal thing in dogs. If your cat is panting it may be overheated or having anxiety. It may also be something that is a lot more serious than those things. Contact your vet right away, especially if they’ve had respiratory issues a while back.
Put tape that’s sticky onto your furniture. This will prevent your cat from scratching the material. You can even find tape specifically designed for this use in many pet stores. Get your cat out of this bad habit by doing this and supplying a scratching post.
Vet visits are often inevitable, and the bills can quickly pile up. If you are looking to save money, buy your medications from reputable sites on the web. Quite a few companies exist that offer home delivery of medications. This is a great way to handle purchasing medications your cat takes on a monthly basis.
The holidays may not be the best time period to present a cat to your children. Try taking your kid to a shelter or pet store so that they can choose their pet.
Defend yourself against cats that are intruding. Cats can make great companions. Of course, you have to remember that cats can be sensitive so they need to be carefully cared for. You may even find your best friend in a cat.