Similar to humans, cats should have a good diet full of nutrients. If your cat’s diet isn’t up to par, they may become overweight or malnourished. Read the following tips to ensure a long life and healthy relationship with your pet cat.
Drape cords should be kept distant from cats. If the cat becomes caught in a loop, they could choke to death. This could even choke them to death. Keep all drape cords out of reach as a preventative measure.
An outdoor cat must always wear a tag on its collar. This can help if your cat becomes lost while wandering in the great outdoors. Ensure that you at least put the name of your cat and your personal phone number on this tag.
The claws of a cat can really destroy parts of your house and furniture. If your kitty is doing this, one way to redirect his behavior is to purchase a scratching post or cat tower. They can scratch this instead. It may take some time, but it should eventually work.
Being nocturnal is quite normal for cats. The result is that cats prefer to be more active during the night. If your cat’s activities are keeping you awake at night, try keeping your bedroom door shut. This will stop them from bothering you at night, and playing with your feet beneath the covers.
Adore your cat! Most cats crave the same warmth and companionship they give their owners. Similar to people, cats like to socialize and feel as if they are important to their family. They’ll know they are accepted as members of the family if they get plenty of loving attention.
Find cat medicine online if you want to get discounts. Sometimes, you may need the medicine immediately though. You can save as much as fifty percent on the stuff you regularly use.
Be careful as small kids may treat kittens too roughly. It is important to show your child how to approach and handle a cat. The objective is to be as gentle as possible with your cat. Cats’ bones are more fragile than those of dogs, so they need gentler treatment.
Provide your cat with canned food rather than dry. While dry food is less costly, the canned food has added benefits. Your cat will get more water and more vitamins and protein. It’s much easier for older cats to chew it as well. Talk to the veterinarian prior to making any big changes; but, usually, canned food is best for your cat.
Keep a collar with ID on your cat. Even indoor cats should have identification on them. Even the tamest indoors cat can be tempted by the possibilities presented by an open door or window. Tags that have your vet’s name and phone number are good things to put on the collar. This is very important if your pet is likely to get lost or has some medical needs.
If your cat or kitten begins to urinate frequently or in places other than his litter box, a trip to the vet may be in order. This sort of behavior can be caused by urinary tract infections or other, more serious medical issues in your cat. A course of antibiotics often does the trick.
Aired Cat
There is a lot of responsibility involved with a long-haired cat. The hair may be a gorgeous thing to behold, but it will require a lot of maintenance. Realize the extra effort needed to keep a long-haired cat. Long haired cats often have hairball problems.
If kitty won’t use the litter box, try moving it. A cat will be more inclined to use the litter box if it is placed in a quiet and safe area in your home. Try placing it in a laundry room or a basement, where there is limited traffic in the home.
When dogs are excited their tails wag from side to side. Cats move their tails for a very different reason. Tail-wagging in a cat usually means a conflict or that they’re deciding to flee or pounce regarding a situation. If this happens while your cat is in your arms, put him down as soon as possible.
There are some thing that you eat that may not be good for your cat. Never allow your cat to nibble on garlic, onions or green tomatoes. Grapes, which seem harmless enough, are also a no-no. If your cat eats these things then it can become ill or even die. Even though everyone knows that cats love milk, this can actually cause a cat to have an upset stomach.
Never give your cat a medication that was formulated for humans. Only use medicine that has been prescribed or recommended by a vet. Pets that have taken human medications face serious injury or worse.
Be sure your cat has a collar on with a tag attached whenever possible. Cats are very effective at getting outside whenever they find the opportunity. With the tags on the collar, it will be that much easier for someone to bring the cat back home if it does happen to escape one day.
Some people who own cats may believe their cats need bathing in order to stay clean. Fortunately, you don’t have to bathe your feline very often. The only exception is if the animal gets into something particular sticky or gooey. Cats clean themselves, after all. Cats are very particular about their appearance!
A good diet is very important to the overall health of a cat. If your cat doesn’t eat right it’ll be in bad shape. It may even reduce life expectancy. Treating your cat to everything it wants and needs is the only responsible thing to do as a pet owner.