Cats are interesting and amazing animals. They possess a level of intelligence that is rivaled by few. Caring for cats in proper ways, though, it not always that simple. Read on for a ton of helpful tips on caring for your cat, and use what you will learn to provide the best home for your feline friend.
You never want to leave the cords of your drapes dangling down. These can cause your cat to choke if they get a hold of it. This could even choke them to death. Be sure your drape cords are strongly secured.
You should be bringing your cat to their vet for a check-up regularly. Cats require special shots to prevent illness and the vet can check their overall health. Always use the same veterinarian if possible. They’ll understand what your cat has been through.
Cats spend lots of time grooming themselves. However, if it has a lot of hair, hairballs can occur. There are special foods you can give to your cat to reduce this problem. Certain kinds of cat food are made to decrease hairballs. As a result, you and your cat will be happier.
If you need cat medication, consider searching online instead of using your veterinarian in order to find a better deal. Sometimes you might not have time to wait for an online order to arrive however, such as if your cat needs an immediate antibiotic or emergency treatment. However, if your pet gets regular prescriptions for a chronic or ongoing issue, you can often save up to 50 percent by shopping online.
Avoid letting your cat go outdoors. It is dangerous in today’s society. Your cat can pick up fleas, or worse. Cats can be harmed by cars, people and other animals. Let your cat go out in your backyard and play on your lawn.
Train your cat to tolerate a pet carrier. While punishment is a good strategy to train dogs, it is not adapted to cats. Encouragement is a better way to get your cats to perform. Placing some of your cats favorite items in the carrier can really help. Soon, your cat will naturally enter the carrier. This makes transporting much easier.
Buy your cat a fountain to drink from. When cats are in the wild they tend to prefer water that is running when they are thirsty, this applies to cats at home. They are more likely to get plenty of water when it is running. In fact, many cats like drinking from faucets more than from their water bowls. Drinking fountains are more environmentally-friendly and they let your cat drink naturally.
If you desire a long-haired cat, it’s best to know what kind of care is involved before you do so. Even though that nice coat of beautiful silky fur looks great, it can leave a mess on your floors, furniture and clothing. Unless you’re committed to taking care of the furry mess, avoid getting cat with long hair. Also, give them the right food which is anti-hairball.
Are you overwhelmed by cat hair? Cats shed quite often, so make sure that you brush them a lot. If your cat sheds a lot, brush it a lot. Brushing will also keep their coat in good shape.
Make sure you provide adequate space to a cat that is about to give birth. You need to be patient, as it will be three or four hours before all the kittens have been born. If six hours have gone by and you think there are still more kitten inside the cat, take her to a vet immediately.
Don’t ever let your declawed cat outdoors. Without claws, your cat is essentially defenseless against other animals. This is a dangerous situation for the cat. Indoor cats are the only ones that should ever be declawed. If you do decide to declaw your indoor cat, do not remove the back claws. Don’t cut the back claws because they won’t scratch up your furniture or floors.
Are hairballs posing a serious problem for your cat, and additional brushing does not help to reduce them? Use pumpkin in your cat’s food to help with digestion. A teaspoon of tuna can water can be mixed with it for flavor’s sake. There are foods that inhibit hairballs which have fiber in them. They might take care of the issue.
Keep an eye out for places you want the cat to stay away from. Cats can squeeze into very tight spaces. Kittens are even more apt to get into these holes. You should consider this when you have brought a new cat home. Repair or cover up any holes.
You should take a cat to the vet as regularly as you can, as it is a costly expense. A great idea is to order your cat medication from an online website to save money. Some companies actually deliver medications straight to your home. This will save you both time and effort.
For some cat owners, the only way to make sure their pet is clean and properly groomed is to bathe them. But know that you don’t need to bathe any cat unless they are extremely dirty. Cats are meticulous about grooming themselves, and their tongues (with their raspy barbs) are ideally suited to keeping their fur clean. You could almost say cats are vain about their appearance.
Don’t leave a cat outside if the weather is really bad. Rainy days and periods of deep cold are especially problematic. Cats look for places to hide in these types of weather and that may include underneath a car hood. It is possible the cat could be lost or killed during severe weather, so be sure to take good care of them.
Cats are unique creatures who can make wonderful pets if you learn all you can. Take the time to absorb the insights you have learned here. Put everything you’ve learned to use to keep your cat happy and healthy.