When you care for a cat properly, it will bring you much joy. As the owner of a cat, you have the responsibility of making sure your cat has everything it needs to enjoy life. Thankfully, the experts have provided what you need to know below.
Visit your local shelter if you’re thinking about getting a cat. Shelters have great pets available for adoption, and the fee isn’t that high. Taking a cat home with you means that a life has been saved.
You must always take your cat for regular vet check-ups. Not only will a veterinarian give a general physical exam, he or she will also make sure they have necessary vaccinations. Your cat will be more comfortable if you continue using the same vet. This ensures that your vet will have an excellent understanding of your pet’s medical history.
Spay your cat as soon as she is old enough. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, if she escapes while she is in heat you might end up with a lot of kittens on your hands. Having your cat spayed helps to control the pet population and will save you time and trouble.
Be sure you have a vet that your cat sees regularly so it stays healthy. They should have regular check ups annually, and more appointments should be made if they need to get important shots. Cats should see a vet right away if any health problems or injuries needing treatment occur.
Adore your cat! A cat’s companionship should be returned with the same. Like humans, cats want to feel wanted and needed. Make them feel at home.
Don’t toss your cat’s scratching post just because it’s starting to look haggard. The cats loves it the most in this condition. If you throw it away and replace it too quickly with a new one, they may shun the new one and go after your carpet and furniture.
Your cat needs to always wear some tags on a collar. Even an indoor pet should have this. Cats can be very curious and they may escape out of a door or a window. Those tags can help if someone finds your kitty. Make sure your info and your vets info is on it. This is crucial if your cat requires special medical attention.
It’s important for your cat to get plenty of playtime. Actually playtime is very common for all animals, especially cats and people despite their age. Your old cat will not play as much but will still appreciate the excitement. Make sure you spend time doing fun things with your cat.
Long-haired breeds are pretty, but understand how much work they are before you get one. The hair may be a gorgeous thing to behold, but it will require a lot of maintenance. Unless you are prepared to do more cleaning, don’t buy a long haired cat. Be prepared to deal with hairballs, which are a problem for long-haired cats.
Litter Box
If your cat will not use the litter box, try placing it at a different spot in your home. The best place for a litter box is in a secure, quiet area. Cats feel vulnerable when they’re using it, so they want it to be in a place where they feel safe. Basement areas and laundry rooms make perfect areas, as they have little traffic.
Any chemicals that have phenol should be kept away from your cat. This chemical is often in Lysol and certain other regular household cleaners. Not only is the smell offensive to cats, but exposing them to this chemical for prolonged periods of time can lead to problems with their liver.
Keep your cat inside as often as you can. Cats who live indoors live longer and are healthier than outdoor cats. Outdoor trips should be made in the company of the owner to keep cats safe from the dangers (like infections and attacks) that free-ranging cats face.
You should never use medications designed for humans on your cat. If your cat needs medication, then you should take your cat to the vet. Giving your pet medication that was meant for you can hurt them pretty seriously and it may even cause death.
If you work, your cat can get awfully lonely while you’re away. You can purchase another cat to keep it company when you are away.
Put tape on furniture to seal it up. This can deter your cat from scratching the upholstery. There is specific tape for this purpose. You can put this tape on your furniture and get a scratching post to get your cat out of this habit.
Before you are tempted to give your feline bits of food from your table, think about how it may affect his health. Human food isn’t always good for cats. A great treat for your cat is a little bit of egg or cooked beef or chicken. However, as long as you follow the instructions for feeding on your choice of cat food, his diet should be nutritionally complete.
Sometimes, you must take your cat to the vet, and when you do, it can be costly. Consider purchasing cat medication over the Internet to save money. Some companies will deliver medications to your door on a monthly basis. This will save you both time and effort.
Ensure you always give your cat flea and tick medicine. A variety of options are available. These types of medications help keep the parasites away. Be sure to use something made just for cats to keep your pet safe.
While the holidays can be great for giving a kid their cat as a gift, it could be too stressful for the cat because of all the chaos going on. Instead, it’s better to go to the shelter or pet store with your child and get them involved in choosing their new pet.
Proper Care
Proper care of your pet cat is essential to his happiness and yours. Be sure and use the information in the article below if you are serious about taking care of your cat. With the proper care, your cat can enjoy a great life.