Does a cat reside in your home? If you are, then you will know how precious that cat is. The cat is a pet that requires a great deal of care and love. That’s something you can definitely do! Keep reading to learn some great tips on caring for your cat.
It is always important to take your cat to the veterinarian for regular checkups. Your cat requires a variety of vaccines and shots to prevent illness, and it is also important to identify health problems before they become too severe. Try to stay with the same veterinarian throughout your pet’s life. This person will be more knowledgeable on your cat’s history.
Small places are spots cats love to get into. A collar can become a liability if your cat is especially adventurous. Therefore, use a breakaway collar that will come undone whenever it’s being pulled very tightly. A collar like this could save your cat’s life.
Enticing kitty to stay off the kitchen counter is sometimes challenging. A cat will naturally want to be high enough to view everything around them. Therefore, you should create high areas for resting. Having a cat tower near your kitchen will keep them off your counters.
Do not allow your cat to be bored frequently. Every cat needs exercise time and play! Sadly, this can be easily overlooked. Bored cats can suffer from depression, extreme compulsive disorders, and other harmful issues that can negatively impact their overall health and well-being. Give them plenty of room to exercise and a wide selections of toys. If they’re inside kitties, get them a post or something else that they can scratch and climb.
Male felines tend to have a build-up of crystals that present in the urine, so you need to avoid this with proper nutrition. A cat passing the crystals can be very hurtful with an expensive vet bill to boot. Keep your cat’s diet low in levels of magnesium. Be sure to read the ingredient label. Foods that contain fish usually have more magnesium.
You may be able to find a better deal on your cat’s prescription online instead of purchasing them from your veterinarian. Sometimes you might not have time to wait for an online order to arrive however, such as if your cat needs an immediate antibiotic or emergency treatment. If you regularly need to buy pet medication, you can get a savings of up to 50 percent online.
When your cat accompanies you on a trip, remember to consider the health of their ears. You and your cat probably have different ideas about the ideal volume for the car stereo, for instance: Remember that your cat’s hearing is more sensitive than yours. Try turning down your tunes or keeping it off to make your cat’s trip better.
Create a little tablecloth for your cat. Some cats like removing food from their bowl and eating it beside their bowl. That can mean a bigger mess for you to clean. Put a placemat under the bowl, or even some fabric so cleaning up is a snap.
Make sure you are cautious about leaving a young child alone with a small kitten. If a child is under the age of five, you should not leave the pet alone with them. They don’t know what harm they can do. When they mature, they can spend alone time with the kitty.
When something seems amiss with your feline friend, speak with other cat owners. Though you want to handle problems on your own, you may require advice from others who own cats. There are also forums on the Internet which cater to cat parents.
Your cat should like their carrier. You cannot train a cat the same way you train a dog because they react differently to punishment. Encouragement is a better way to get your cats to perform. Put their favorite toy and blanket in a carrier. Leave it somewhere they always go to. Over time, the cat will feel comfortable and go inside the carrier. Let it happen naturally or with only mild coaxing. Do not get angry. Once the cat is comfortable with the carrier, you can transport it easily.
Keep you cat’s old scratching post even if it is beginning to look worn. This is the condition that cats like the most. By removing the old item and replacing it with a new one, your cat may try to find another item to scratch. This could end up being furniture.
Consider getting your cat a fountain to drink from. Cats normally look to drink from running water. This is true in the wild or at home. Cats will respond more positively to streams of water. You have perhaps noticed that your cat enjoys drinking from the running sink. A fountain will allow your cat to drink like he or she is in the wild.
If you are bringing home a new cat, make sure to give him time to adjust to your current cat. It usually takes about three weeks. They may be leery of each other at first and fight. But, eventually, they will get used to the idea, and begin to tolerate, and even enjoy, each other’s company.
Is your cat peeing all the time, sometimes in places that it shouldn’t? If so, you should talk to your veterinarian. This sort of behavior is common among cats with UTIs and other health problems. A quick course of antibiotics can head off dangerous complications if you get your cat diagnosed and treated early enough.
Relocating the litter box can often help curb a problem with cats that refuse to use it. Make sure to put it in a quiet spot in your house. Areas away from high activity are a good choice, such as basements and laundry rooms.
Your cat is a member of your family and his well-being is important to you. This article has provided you with the knowledge needed to properly care for your pet. Use this information to keep your cat as happy and healthy as possible. When you show your cat you love it, it will return the love.