Cats are wonderful companions that you can spend hours playing with. Sometimes it’s a good idea to provide some extra stimulation with a fun toy, unique game or interesting activity. You don’t need to spend any money to enjoy some playtime with your cat. These tips will improve your abilities as an owner.
It’s crucial that your pet gets checkups from your vet regularly. Your vet can give you an idea of your cat’s overall health, in addition to administering any shots it may need. Do your best to use the same vet for your cat’s entire life. This also allows the vet to become more familiar with your cat’s unique health needs and personality.
Pick a good spot for the cat’s litter box. Try and put it in an isolated area away from the cat bowl. Also, minimize the smell by making sure it is a well ventilated area. This will make you and your cat happy.
Cats spend a ton of time grooming themselves. Your cat’s long hair can cause hair balls. One way to alleviate this condition in your cat is by feeding him special food. Look for cat food that is designed to minimize hairballs to keep you and your cat happier.
Male cats may develop crystals in the urine, which usually occur as a result of a poor diet. Passing those crystals hurts and having this corrected by a vet is expensive. Food with a low magnesium content will help. Be sure to read the ingredient label. Avoid fish products.
If you’re looking for good prices on cat medications, check online sources. The prices will usually be substantially better than at your vet. When an emergency strikes, however, you may not have the option of buying medications on the Internet. The savings can amount to almost 50 percent on regularly prescribed medications.
Are you the owner of a dog and a cat? Keep in mind that the two animals have separate dietary needs, and dogs will try cat food if given the chance. That’s why you should place your cat’s food in a place which is hard for your dog to reach. This can prevent squabbles over water when their food is gone.
Speak with friends and family when you have difficulty with your cat. You can often get great advice from friends and family. There are many online cat forums that you can visit and ask some questions. If necessary, you may need to call your veterinarian.
It’s important to let your cat see where you place the litter box, but it’s not always a good idea to force your cat to learn how to use it. This is something that comes naturally and is not learned. Some thing that rubbing a cats paws in litter is smart, but it can actually cause them mental trauma.
Help your cat get accustomed to the carrier. Cats and dogs do not usually respond the same ways to punishment. Encouragement is more likely to get them to respond. Therefore, place your cat’s favorite toy into its career. Leave the carrier open in a location that your cat frequently visits. Your cat will want to inspect the carrier and probably enjoy hiding inside. Once the cat is in the carrier, they will be so much easier to transport.
Rotate the variety of food you feed your cat. If your cat only eats one brand of cat food from the beginning, he will probably not like any other brand.
Scratching Post
Don’t toss an older scratching post just because it looks worn. While it doesn’t appear clean and new, your cat probably thinks otherwise. For a cat, it is comfortable and familiar. Your cat might not want to use the new scratching post and start ruining your furniture instead.
Invest in a cat friendly fountain. Cats that live in the wild like drinking from running water, and they have the same desires in a home. A constant stream of water will entice them to stay hydrated. Cats will often drink from a running sink and actually prefer it over the water in their bowl. Also, a cat drinking fountain is better for the environment and allows them to be more natural.
Canned food is an excellent choice for cats. Dry food is less expensive, but there are added benefits to be had in canned cat food. The water content is higher, and there is more protein and fat in the canned food. This will make it easier for your older cats to digest. Discuss this with your vet, who may tell you to feed your cat canned food.
If you just own one cat but are considering obtaining another one, then you should ensure you allow a few weeks for your old cat and new one to become familiar with each other. They might hide from each other or hit each other. With enough time to acclimate themselves to the new arrangement, though, virtually any two cats will become willing, friendly, and perhaps even inseparable companions.
Avoid using phenol-containing chemicals if you have cats. This is something that’s often in Pine-sol, Lysol, and other popular cleaners. The smell is something that cats don’t like, and it also can lead to liver damage if it is used around your cats for a long period of time.
Feed your cat a regular dose of dry food. Kittens need wet food more than adult cats because it’s easier to chew. Once they grow adult teeth, they benefit from chewing dry food. If you have an extremely finicky cat, you could mix dry and wet food together.
Spending time with your cat will keep both of you happier and healthier. The techniques provided here will bring much joy to life with your cat. Just as with people, fun and activity help extend a cat’s life.