Cats are wonderful pets. They’re great because they’re able to take care of themselves mostly. Use what you will learn here to make sure your cat has a enjoyable and healthy life.
Groom your cat. Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular basis. If you do this frequently you’ll be able to help the cat have clean fur. It will reduce shedding, which means that they won’t be experiencing a ton of hairballs. If you groom your cat with care, both your pet and your home will look their best.
You need to take your pet to the vet on a regular basis. Cats need special shots to keep them from getting sick, and the veterinarian will check your cats overall health. For the most consistent pet care, choose one veterinarian and stick with them. This way, the vet will be very familiar with your cat and its history.
Cats will try to get into many different crevices. If you keep a collar on your pet, getting stuck in one of these spaces can be very dangerous. A breakaway collar will let go if it is pulled on too tightly. This can make the difference in whether your cat have nine lives or only a couple of them.
You should take your cat to the vet on a regular basis to maintain optimum health. They should go at least once yearly for a check-up, and more often if they need any shots. Cats must see their vet right away if they start having health issues, injuries or other problems.
Male cats often develop crystals in their bladder that come out in their urine. This can be prevented with a proper diet. Passing stones or crystals hurts and can cost you a ton in vet bills if they don’t come out naturally. Your cat needs food low in magnesium. Read the label on any food you choose. Cat food with lots of fish tends to have more magnesium, while products with lots of poultry tend to have less.
It’s often cheaper to buy medicine for your cat on the Internet instead of through your vet. Naturally, some stuff won’t be available online. For more routine situations, saving 50% by buying online is quite possible.
Try to figure out why your cat meows. You need to learn what their meows mean. Maybe she wants to go out, or maybe she wants to eat. Watch their cues to learn more about them.
Are you the owner of a dog and a cat? Most dogs will not hesitate before munching on your cat’s food. For this reason, you need to place your cat’s bowl in an area that is to high for a dog to reach. This also makes sure that the two don’t fight over water.
Litter Box
Make sure that the litter box placement is easy for your cat to get to. Many people want it in an out of the way spot. However, if you hide it from your pet he might not try very hard to find it when he needs to go to the bathroom. This will keep your cat as happy as possible. A litter box located in the basement should be placed on a thick mat or rug.
Take your cat for vaccinations often to make sure he or she is healthy. Kittens, like children, need to have their vaccinations and wellness appointments regularly to prevent diseases and other health issues from becoming a problem later in life. You need to stay up to date with immunization and booster shots to improve the health of your cat.
If you notice your cat is not using the litter box, try moving it to a new location. Just like humans, cats can be sensitive to where they eliminate, so choose a private location if possible. A couple of good places to put your cat box are your basement and laundry room.
Certain foods may be fine for you to eat daily, but not for your cat. Never allow your cat to nibble on garlic, onions or green tomatoes. Grapes, which seem harmless enough, are also a no-no. These foods can make your cat very ill. Refrain from feeding your cat dairy products as well.
Your cat will thank you if you avoid phenol in your cleaning products. Lysol, for example, has many harmful agents that can harm your cat. Not only is the smell offensive to cats, but exposing them to this chemical for prolonged periods of time can lead to problems with their liver.
Stay Inside
Your cat should stay inside most of the time, and when it’s outside, you should ensure it remains close to home. Cats that stay inside have been shown to live much longer than the ones that are allowed to roam your neighborhood. Cats who live indoors are less likely to contract a disease than those who live outdoors.
You should never medicate a cat with something that was meant for humans. When your cat has health issues, they should be taken to their vet, who will give them any medication they need. Giving cats human medications can cause serious problems and may even be fatal.
If you were home all the time when you first adopted your cat and are now going to be out of the home, your cat might get lonely without you there. Therefore, in order to keep your cat happy and active, you need to consider obtaining another cat.
Cats can make great pets. To be a good owner, you have to know how to properly take care of your cat. Review the concepts in this piece to understand what your cat really needs. This maximizes the happiness in the life of your cat.