Most cats require plenty of care from an attentive, responsible owner. Cats aren’t groomed in the same way that dogs or other pets are groomed. Cats have special requirements, and you must be prepared to make certain accommodations for their care. This article will show you some tips for everything about cat care.
Keep your cat properly groomed. You have to make sure your cat gets brushed or combed often. This can keep them clean. Doing this will also help alleviate hairballs and excessive shedding. Brushing your cat will keep your home cleaner, too.
A lot of cat owners have a hard time keeping their cats off the counter. After all, cats prefer to stay high so that they can keep an eye out on everything. You may mitigate the problem by providing designated heights for them to use. A cat tower near the kitchen will ensure that cats won’t lay on your counter.
When your cat is riding with you in your car, ensure you keep their ears in mind. You cat is used to being at home and it might shock him to hear you singing at the top of your lungs. To keep your cat calm and collected over the course of your trip, keep the stereo low – or perhaps off entirely.
While cats are good pets for children generally, smaller children may treat them too roughly. Teach your children how to handle a cat. Demonstrate how to pick up the animal and how to play with it as well. Tell them that a cat’s bones need to be handled more gently than those of a dog.
Set a tablecloth under your cat’s food bowl. It’s a common practice for cats to eat their food on the side of their bowl. That means you will have to tidy up the food left beside the cat bowl. Simply place a cloth placemat that will grab at the food under their plate and then shaken out over the trash. You can put a vinyl one underneath that can be picked up wiped down easily if you prefer.
Do you own a dog and a cat? Dogs will always try to eat a cat’s food. Because of this, you should make the place that your cat food is in higher up so that the dog cannot reach it. This will ensure they don’t fight over food or water, too.
Cats enjoy being in high places. To make your cat really happy, give it a place to safely survey its area. Placing a shelf or two up high will not take up too much space in your home. Make sure that this area is comfortable for your cat.
Speak with friends and family when you have difficulty with your cat. You can solve most problems by yourself, but you might benefit from the experience of others. You can also go on the Web and ask your question in a forum.
While a torn up scratching post might look unattractive, do not get rid of it. This is the condition that cats most appreciate. When you bring in a new post, the cat may ignore it.
Every cat should have a collar with his name on it, the owner’s name, and a phone number. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, there is that small chance he or she might get out one day. Do everything possible to make sure your cat is returned safely to you in the event it gets out.
Keep products containing phenol away from your cat. Phenol is found in common products such as Pine-Sol, Lysol, and various other cleaners. The smell offends them and being exposed to it for several hours can cause liver problems.
If you decide to declaw your cat, never allow it to go outside. A clawless cat will have no defense against other animals, and when they’re outside they’ll run risk of death or injury. The only cats that should be declawed are indoor cats. Only take out the front claws. A cat’s back claws are not used when scratching furniture, so those can be left.
Be aware of any panting. Dogs normally pant on a regular basis. Panting in a cat possibly indicates something serious is going on. Contacting your veterinarian is a good idea, particularly for cats that have built up a history of respiratory difficulties over time.
If your feline has hairball issues, and there’s been no help from brushing, try these tips out. Mix one teaspoon of pumpkin into your cat’s regular food. A teaspoon of tuna water mixed with pumpkin can also work. Cat food sometimes has an anti hairball formulation, which includes extra fiber in order to solve this issue.
An overfed cat will quickly become ill. Overfeeding your cat may cause it to become obese and develop serious medical issues. Monitor your cat’s meal portions, and be sure he is getting a well balanced diet.
Never let your cat venture outside if something like rabies, fleas or fungus makes you nervous. These things may happen to an indoor cat, but they will more likely happen to a cat who lives most of his life outside.
You should never feed your cats human food while you’re dining at the table. Cats can’t digest many human foods, and many are even dangerous to them. If you really want to treat your cat, try a tablespoon or so of cooked chicken or beef, or a little egg. However, if you’re feeding your cat the right food, he is getting the correct nutrition.
Your cat will look great after a high quality grooming session. As a cat owner, it’s your job to ensure your pet looks and feels healthy. Your cat will be happy when it is properly cared for. Use this article to learn how to do that.